Preparation for hull and topside painting to prevent future peeling

Repair or modification of Boston Whaler boats, their engines, trailers, and gear
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Preparation for hull and topside painting to prevent future peeling

Postby Bearkeley » Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:35 pm

It's time to re-paint our [1964] 13-footer. [I am uncertain] about the need to use de-waxer and how much sanding to do.

[The 1964 Boston Whaler 13-foot boat] currently has Interlux-brand topside over 10-year-old Tuffcoat paint. Unfortunately this has peeled. I'm peeling what is easy to remove by hand, then sanding to even out the edges and make sure nothing else is peeling.

Once I make sure no paint will peel off easily, next I plan was to use 40 grit sander, then vacuum all the dust off, then roll-on the epoxy primer and barrier coat. The non-skid surface is showing some water penetration so thought [application of an epoxy primer and a barrier coat] could help prevent future damage.

With the Tuffcoat, if [the new top coat] is not perfectly smooth that's no matter, but I want to make sure the [new] paint sticks and doesn't peel off immediately.

Will this method work?

Will I need to use a de-waxer?

Is there anything else I'm missing?


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Re: Prep for topside - barrier coat primer & tuff coat

Postby Whalerdog » Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:46 pm

Try 80 grit first 40 is pretty rough on boat.

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Re: Preparation for hull and topside painting to prevent future peeling

Postby Wweez » Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:55 am

What peeled? Tufcoat? Or interlux?

Contact Interlux and ask them about compatibility of these products.

Vacuum will help clean up, but wiping with proper solvent or de-waxer as suggested by manufacturer of paint is also necessary. To begin with. Before application. Twice.

In general, the higher tech the paint, the less tolerance it has to impurities, oils, and other trash on the surface. What is another round of wiping with solvent and clean cloths or towels, compared to all the rest of the work and expense you have incurred? One oily hand print? Good Luck

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Re: Preparation for hull and topside painting to prevent future peeling

Postby Boatsd » Mon Jul 11, 2016 7:11 pm

you may have to go with a chemical paint remover as I suspect you have a paint compatability problem. It is not nearly as bad or messy of a job as it sounds. Or just go with more tufcoat but any hard paint will crack over a rubber coating.