[Moderator's note: this was originally posted in THE GAM on June 30, 2024]
If sometime between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning (June 28 to 30, 2024) you got a message when you directed your browser to the top page of the forum that said "You have been banned..." the actual situation was you were not banned, the forum configuration settings just got a little wacky, and all forum visitors who had not already logged in as a registered user were getting that message. If you were a registered user and you logged in, everything was fine.
It took me a while to fix this problem, and I am sorry two days went by before I was able to fix it. First, I had to figure out what was causing this to happen, then I had to try a couple of suggested remedies to fix it.
Fixing computer software is mostly mental, but when I am so tired from doing a lot of physical work--probably more physical work than I have done for maybe 20-years—my metal state is just not up to solving arcane computer problems, and I had to put the forum glitch on hold until I had completed a repair of my boat trailer.
I hope visitors to the website won't think that a two-day outage marked the end of their interest in the information content available here. To everyone who could tolerate a short interruption in access, thank you for your patience.
I think the forum problem is fixed, but if you cannot access the forum--and this is silly because if you could not access the forum you won't be able to read this--then send me an email and let me know about it. Send email to deK8SS@gmail.com with subject line STILL BANNED.
Oh No--the "You have been banned" problem occurred again. I have fixed this problem. I think I have figured out the source of the problem, and I hope it won't occur again. Fingers crossed.