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Chicagoans putting Whaler to Good Use

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:06 pm
by kwik_wurk

Re: Chicagoans putting Whaler to Good Use

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 5:29 pm
by jimh
I guess blue dye in that river is not a problem. I think it flows into the Chicago Sanitary Canal--so what's a little blue dye in the water compared to what else might be there? Just be thankful it wasn't coal ash, as the people (or politicians) in Illinois have no room in their hearts for that stuff in their water.

Congratulations to the Cubs for breaking the losing streak. And also to those guys running the Whaler--in one of the videos they almost collided with another boat.

Re: Chicagoans putting Whaler to Good Use

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:02 pm
by Binkster
Everyone has to win at some point, but 108 years is a long time. I think Joe Madden is taking too much of the credit. All he did was to renege on his contract with the Rays, jump to the Cubs,(this was preplanned beforehand) and talk the owners into spending a ton of money for better players. He almost blew it all in game 6 with his choice of relievers in the later innings. No way the Rays should have traded Zobrist especially for what they got in return, but that's the way they do things. I don't think
Ben wanted to leave, he and his wife were well established in the Tampa area.

Thanks Jim