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2000 OUTRAGE 21 Gunwale Height

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 4:31 pm
by 777AIA
What is the height [from cockpit deck to] the gunwales on the 2000 Outrage 21?

[The gunwale height on the] a DAUNTLESS is too low. [The gunwale height on] the 2000 Outrage 21 looks higher [than the DAUNTLESS].

I found some information on freeboard in this archived thread:

I may buy a 2000 OUTRAGE 21. I have a SUPER SPORT 15.

Re: Outrage Dimensions

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 4:51 pm
by Phil T
The freeboard of the 2000 Outrage 21 is significantly higher than a 15 Sport. I would estimate it to be twice as tall, about 36-inches of freeboard compared to about 15-inches15".

Fig. 1. Catalogue photo of 2000 OUTRAGE 21 boat showing cockpit and gunwales with crew aboard.
outrage21.jpg (89.43 KiB) Viewed 1795 times

You can extrapolate the freeboard from Figure 1. Note the coaming cushion height is mid-thigh.

The post linked above is discussing the classic Outrage 18, 22, and 25 boats, which are not even closely similar in design to the post-classic 2000 21 Outrage.

Re: 2000 OUTRAGE 21 Gunwale Height

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 9:17 am
by jimh
I don't recall any dimensions for the height of the gunwales above the cockpit deck provided by Boston Whaler in their literature, and that's why finding that dimension may be difficult.

The DAUNTLESS boats were originally designed with lower gunwale height than other models. The DAUNTLESS models were often thought of as boats for water sports, where easy entry into the water or return to the cockpit from the water was a feature provided by the lower gunwales. The DAUNTLESS was not thought of as an offshore boat.

The nautical term freeboard refers to the height of the weather deck above the waterline of the hull. It does not describe the height of the gunwales on an open cockpit boat as measured from the cockpit deck. As a boat is more heavily loaded, the hull will sit more deeply in the water, and the freeboard will be reduced. The freeboard varies with the loading.

Re: 2000 OUTRAGE 21 Gunwale Height

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 6:42 pm
by Buoy
The height from the cockpit deck to the top of the gunwales on a 2000 Outrage 21 is 26".