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Boston Whaler Blue

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:35 pm
by Texaswhaler64
What is the correct blue color for the interior gel coat resin on a 1964 16-footer?

Re: Boston Whaler Blue

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:00 pm
by frontier
Take a look the Spectrum Color Company - Boston Whaler Interior Blue 60-72. Gel coat part number (in quarts) is : F502211Q.

Re: Boston Whaler Blue

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:49 am
by jimh
There are anecdotal reports that the color used by Boston Whaler for the blue gel coat resin in the cockpit of their 16-footers in the 1961 to 1972 production epoch was not particularly consistent. Also, on boats older than 50-year-old there is no reasonable basis to assume that the original hue is still the precise hue on the boat now in 2022. Fifty years or more of exposure to sunlight, air, and water may have shifted the hue.

Do you want to make a small area repair to the gel coat?

Or, do you want to completely redo the cockpit gel coat?

Spectrum also sells gel coat patch kits. A patch kit provides resin as a paste mixed with a wax that will cure to a hard finish without need to be protected from air. These were handy for making small spot repairs. Compare at

A $210 pint of gel coat resin probably does not have the necessary wax additive, and you need the catalyst for curing.

Re: Boston Whaler Blue

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:14 pm
by Texaswhaler64
Thank you for the replies. I’m having the gel coat completely redone. I’ve seen some early 1960’s models with a darker blue color and later 1960’s models with a lighter, almost sky blue. I wasn’t sure if that was due to a change in specifications from the manufacturer or just weathering.

There are a couple patches on the boat where you can see the original gel coat coming through. It seems darker than the spectrum’s "whaler blue." I’ll probably eyeball a match of those spots.