A conversation among Whalers
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Postby jimh » Fri Sep 08, 2017 7:13 pm

With the relentless coverage about the approach of hurricane storm IRMA, I just happened to see some recorded footage today on a news channel that showed a very unusual floating aid to navigation. The aid was a large red buoy, but as part of the buoy and seemingly built right onto the buoy, there was the HURRICANE signal: two red square fields with each having a smaller center black square. The buoy was shown rocking heavily in waves, with this hurricane signal.

Is this some kind of new floating aid-to-navigation? I've never seen a buoy that displayed weather warnings: was this buoy set just a day or two ago to warn of the hurricane?

Any readers down in the tropics, where you might find this buoy, please comment.

I used GOOGLE IMAGE search to look for an aid to navigation that might have such a signal attached to it. I did not find any examples.