GPS Satellites in View at High Latitude

Articles about GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, WAAS and other satellite navigation systems
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GPS Satellites in View at High Latitude

Postby jimh » Tue Dec 05, 2017 4:14 pm

In the USAF NavStar global positioning system, commonly referred to as GPS, the satellites are in medium earth orbits with an inclination of 55-degrees. This means that the highest latitude the satellite orbit reaches is 55-degrees, North or South. If you are a user of GPS in high latitude, say at 55-degrees, you might think that all GPS satellites will appear to your point of view as being in the southern sky or at best overhead; I made that assumption myself, but discovered it was not correct.

If you are located at 55-degrees North latitude, then occasionally a GPS satellite should pass just about overhead, but never to your North--except that on the other side of the world those same satellite may also cross your meridian at 55-North latitude on that hemisphere. Using some simple geometry, we can see that a satellite that is on your meridian but anti-polar and reaches 55-N latitude will actually be visible to you with an elevation of roughly 6-degrees, and will appear to you to be due North. As a user moves to higher latitudes, more satellites over the North Pole will be visible to them low in their northern sky.

A recently published article in GPS World magazine included some azimuth/elevation plots of satellites in view and their tracks as seen from high latitudes in Finland. I reproduce one of them below to illustrate how GPS satellites from the other side of the earth show up in the northern sky of users in high latitudes:

Satellites In View from Northern Finland; adapted from
SatellitesInViewFinland.jpg (20.33 KiB) Viewed 13174 times

As can be seen in the polar plot of GPS satellite orbit tracks, many GPS satellites will be in view to the North to a user in high latitudes.

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Re: GPS Satellites in View at High Latitude

Postby jimh » Sun Dec 24, 2017 1:34 pm

There is a often made observation regarding GNSS satellites at high-latitude locations that "GLOSNASS is better than GPS." This notion comes from the difference in the INCLINATION of the orbital planes of the two systems:

GLONASS = orbit inclined 65-degrees
GPS = orbit inclined 55-degrees

We can compare the elevation angle from an observer in high latitude to a satellite in each system when that satellite is on the observer's meridian and reaches its highest elevation in the sky. A diagram below shows the relationship:

Satellite elevation to observer at pole; drawn roughly to scale
satellitDwg.jpg (29.9 KiB) Viewed 13121 times

In this diagram, we know the following dimensions:

b = Earth radius, 6371 km
c = Earth radius + satellite altitude; for GPS 26571 km; for GLONASS 25471 km
A = the difference between observer's latitude (90°) and satellite inclination; for GPS 35°; for GLONASS 25°

With two sides and one angle known, we can use the Rule of Cosines to solve for side a. Then we can find angle B from the Rule of Sines. And finally angle C from the definition of a triangle having 180-degrees of angles. (If you like, you can do this with the SIDE-ANGLE-SIDE calculator at Just enter the three values (a, b, C) in the calculator fields.) We find that:

For GPS, C = 135.3°
For GLONASS, C = 147.2°

By subtracting 90 from C, we get the elevation angle to the satellite from the observer to the satellite:

For GPS elevation = 45.3°
For GLONASS elevation = 57.2°

We find that for an observer at the Pole, a GLONASS satellite can rise as high as 57.2° in the sky, while a GPS satellite can only rise to 45.3°. This gives the GLONASS satellite an 11.9° advantage at the Pole.

Posts: 11992
Joined: Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:25 pm
Location: Michigan, Lower Peninsula

Re: GPS Satellites in View at High Latitude

Postby jimh » Tue Dec 26, 2017 10:12 am

Going back to the observer at 55-degree-N latitude: a GPS satellite on his meridian over the pole could also reach a maximum latitude of 55-degrees. Since the observer and the anti-polar satellite are both 55-degrees above the equator, the angle between the observer and the satellite must be 70-degrees (from 180 - 55 -55). A sketch shows the arrangement:

GPS satellite on observer's meridian over the pole
antiPolarGPSinView55N.jpg (37.2 KiB) Viewed 13094 times

The angle B is shown in detail at the lower right. At the observer's location, his horizon is at 90-degrees to side a. To find elevation we subtract 90 from angle B; this gives an elevation angle of 6.21-degrees.

As the observer moves farther north, the satellite elevation increases.

(I include just a sketch; it takes me way too much time to make an decent digital graphic compared to a few moments to draw a sketch and scan it.)