Standard-Horizon Rebates: GX1850G; GX1400

VHF Marine Band radios, protocol, radio communication theory, practical advice; AIS; DSC; MMSI; EPIRB.
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Standard-Horizon Rebates: GX1850G; GX1400

Postby jimh » Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:05 am

The Standard-Horizon GX1850G radio is a VHF Marine Band fixed-mount 25-Watt DSC Class-D radio with two very interesting added features: it supports NMEA-2000 interfacing to other boat electronics, and it includes an internal GNSS receiver. Several retailers are now offering this radio at about $217. The manufacturer is also offering a $30-mail-in rebate. The effective cost of the radio will then be about $187. Not long ago a radio with these features would have cost $700.

The only significant feature absent in the GX1850G radio is inclusion of two additional receivers dedicated to AIS channels. Another minor drawback is the channel selector is not a knob but must be accomplished with UP-DN push buttons.

Use of NMEA-2000 interfacing to other boat electronics will greatly simplify the installation of the radio for boats that already have a NMEA-2000 network installed. The GX1850G also supports NMEA-0183 and uses the standard wire insulation colors to identify the signals.

Inclusion of an internal GNSS or GPS receiver will also make the radio a stand-alone DSC device.

Lack of an AIS receiver may be a drawback for some who boat in areas with many large commercial ships, but for boaters who are not interested in AIS or who plan to use the GX1850G as a second radio, lack of AIS receivers will not be a problem.

Switching channels is done more easily with a knob, but compact radios often use UP-DN buttons to conserve front panel space.

The $30 mail-in rebate offer ends on September 30, 2020. The form is available at

Posts: 11992
Joined: Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:25 pm
Location: Michigan, Lower Peninsula

Re: Standard-Horizon Rebates: GX1850G; GX1400

Postby jimh » Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:20 am

The Standard-Horizon GX1400 radio is a compact VHF Marine Band fixed-mount 25-Watt DSC Class-D radio. Several retailers are now offering this radio at about $130. The manufacturer is also offering a $40-mail-in rebate. The effective cost of the radio will then be about $90. This is a preposterously low price for a new, modern, DSC VHF Marine Band radio.

As might be expected in a compact radio, the channel selector is not a knob but is accomplished with UP-DN push buttons.

The GX1400 supports NMEA-0183 and uses the standard wire insulation colors to identify the signals.

The $40 mail-in rebate offer ends on September 30, 2020. The form is available at

The GX1400G is the same radio with internal GPS receiver. The GX1400G qualifies for a $50 rebate and is being sold at about $150 retail.

More details about the GX1400 radio at