Cooler Recommendation

A conversation among Whalers
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Joined: Sat May 04, 2024 11:47 am

Cooler Recommendation

Postby Lgotsch » Sat May 04, 2024 12:07 pm

Q1: what standard cooler will fit the existing wood cooler chocks on a particular 1979 OUTRAGE [of unspecified length]?


The cooler used on my family's 1979 OUTRAGE [of unspecified length] needs to be replaced. There are wooden [cooler] chocks installed on the cockpit deck. My elderly parents use [the cooler] as a step to get on and off the boat from the launch. The boat is currently shrink wrapped.

On May 11, 2024, I will take measurements.

I don't want to have to replace the chocks.

There is a cushion on top of the old cooler; I want to re-use the cushion.

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Re: Cooler Recommendation

Postby jimh » Sat May 04, 2024 12:43 pm

If the cooler dates from 1979 it was likely made by IGLOO. Most of the chic and expensive coolers were not on the market in 1979, and Boston Whaler often sold IGLOO coolers as an option. If the cooler is an IGLOO cooler, may be an 86-quart model, a common size.

When the boat is unwrapped you should be able to find a brand-name marking and perhaps a size on the existing cooler.

The boat must have received wonderful care in order for the cooler, its cushion, and the wood cooler chocks to have survived for 46-years.

I bet the warranty on the cooler has expired.

If you have waited 46-years to replace the cooler, wait one more week until the boat is a available, you can inspect the current cooler, you can take measurements, and be certain what size you need. Don’t buy a new cooler on someone’s guess about the brand and size.