Lowrance HDS First-generation: improving speed of user interface; waypoint, routes, and trails file management

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Lowrance HDS First-generation: improving speed of user interface; waypoint, routes, and trails file management

Postby jimh » Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:27 pm

I am still using my first-generation Lowrance HDS-8. I was watching a youTube video that demonstrated some feature of an HDS first-generation display, and I was shocked at how fast the HDS in that recording reacted to user input compared to how my HDS does now. I guess my HDS has been getting slower and slower over the years. It is at the point now that when I push a user front panel button, it takes the HDS about three or four seconds to respond. I don't know if the slow response is a result of features added in all the software updates that have been applied since the HDS first came out, or if there is something odd going on with my HDS.

What could be slowing down my HDS-8 so much?

I do have a lot of old trails stored in memory, but I do not have them set to be displayed. I also have a lot of screen captures stored--perhaps 100 of them. Would deleting these old trails and the screen captures help improve the responsiveness of my old HDS first-generation? I experimented to see the effect that these trails might have.

I exported all my waypoints, routes, and trails to a file. I used .GPX format because that is my preference; also .GPX is the only way I can edit the files.

Then I deleted the waypoints, routes, and trails from the HDS. This can be done from the FILES page. You have to hit the MENU button to invoke all the menu options. Unless you do this, there are only two options shown (Export and Details). When you push the MENU button, two more options appear (Delete All and Purge).

HDS_MenuHidden.png (12.59 KiB) Viewed 3785 times

To delete all the waypoints, routes, and trails, select that option and hit the ENTER button. A warning screen pops up to verify this action is really to be performed:

HDS_MenuDELETE_ALL.png (24.96 KiB) Viewed 3784 times

To continue with the deletion of the waypoints, hit the YES softkey. After deleting all the waypoints, routes, and trails, these files are not really removed. They are kept on the internal memory of the HDS because they may be the source of data on other connected devices that are synchronizing to this HDS. To get rid of these file permanently, you have to use the Purge option. This actually will remove the files from the HDS memory, freeing up space.

HDS_MenuPURGE.png (21.34 KiB) Viewed 3784 times

Again, the Delete All and Purge options are found by pushing the MENU button when on the FILES page. It is not particularly intuitive that those options are there.

As a result of deleting all the waypoints, routes, and trails from the HDS, the user-interface speed improved. I was going to make some recordings of the two states, but the sunlight was in a bad position and I could not record the screen very well. But the speed-up was noticeable.

Now the problem was to restore some of the data, particularly the waypoints. I have about 70 waypoints that I like to always have available on the HDS. Since I had just deleted ALL waypoints, they were gone. Of course, I had saved them in my exported file. The problem with the file management on the HDS is that everything is exported in one file. To restore only a part of that file means that some method of editing that big extracted file is needed.

I also discovered another gotcha in the HDS operating system. The exported .GPX file was 11.5-Megabytes. The HDS could not IMPORT this file. It ran out of memory in the process and crashed. It was fortunate (for me) that I used the .GPX format because I could then edit the 11.5-MBit file with my text editor. I separated the file into about eight smaller files: one for waypoints, a very small file, and the rest for the many trails I had, some of them with thousands of points and taking up several mega-bytes themselves.

Then I was able to IMPORT the waypoint data. I had all my favorite waypoints back. And I could import the individual trails, which I tested. They worked, too. But then I immediately deleted the trails I had just imported.

The bottom line for improving the speed of the user interface: avoid collecting a lot of long trails with thousands of track points. It will slow down the HDS to a v-e-r-y--s-l-o-o-o-o-o-w pace, even if you do not select them to be displayed. Export them, delete them, and purge them. Having many waypoints may also affect the performance in a similar manner.

I am guessing that perhaps the reason the trails have an effect on speed of the HDS even if not displayed is because the chart plotter may be calculating all of those points and lines anyways, and the option to not display is just shutting off that layer of the graphics drawing routine. You can see this because if you select the option to display them, they just appear instantly, without much of a delay. I think they have already been plotted and calculated, which takes up all the processor time, and then at the moment of drawing the screen they either get displayed or they don't. So they penalize you either way.

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Re: Lowrance HDS First-generation: improving speed of user interface; waypoint, routes, and trails file management

Postby StormWarning » Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:39 pm

I, also, have a first-generation Lowrance HDS. I will have to play with the recorded trails and make sure they are not adding up.

I am using a Navionics-plus card. I downloaded about 7-gigabyte of maps to the card, and the maps were really slow. I wiped the card and was more picky on what I downloaded. This time was 1-gigabyte and was much faster.

[Changed topic to begin discussing a totally new topic. I have sent this portion of the post back to the author and encouraged him to start a new thread on this new topic--jimh]

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Re: Lowrance HDS First-generation: improving speed of user interface; waypoint, routes, and trails file management

Postby jimh » Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:08 pm

I don't know how the file size of map data affects the speed of the first-generation HDS user-interface. I have not done any testing.

My HDS has two sets of map data available:

--an internally-stored enhanced base map that covers the whole USA, which I think is called the Insight map. I don't know the size of the data file;

--an externally-stored map data set, contained on an SD Memory card, that covers just a portion of the USA, mostly the northern Great Lakes. I don't know the size of the data file.

As I said, I have not done any testing to see if use of one map data or the other has an effect on the speed of the user interface of the Lowrance HDS first-generation chart plotters. I think this is a moot point because when I am using the HDS for navigation I always have one of those two map data sets loaded. If they slow down the operation then there is really no remedy; a chart plotter without electronic charts is not nearly as valuable as one that has charts, even if the charts slow down the user interface response times.