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jstachowiak posted 08-10-2003 10:25 AM ET (US)   Profile for jstachowiak   Send Email to jstachowiak  
Put your own caption with these pictures. Click "Next Picture Down" to see more.

jimh posted 08-10-2003 01:32 PM ET (US)     Profile for jimh  Send Email to jimh     
The images that are hyperlinked above are in wide circulation on many websites. I have had them sent to me several times via e-mail by people who thought I might like to see them.

It is too bad the person who took these photographs receives no attribution for their almost constant reproduction. Who knows if he has given permission for all these sites to use them.

It is also too bad that I have never seen one word of information about the circumstances. For example, the guy may have put a hole in the bottom by hitting a submerged object, or maybe just a cheap through-hull or hose failed.

It is a shame the story of these photographs and the information associated with them has been lost.

We don't know when this happened, where it happened, who the guy is, what caused the sinking, was the boat salvaged?

In some cases, apparently, people make up captions for these images.

By the way, this must be about the forth or fifth time someone has posted an article which pointed to these images.

On the continuousWave/whaler/ website we much prefer to host photographs of Boston Whaler boats (our TOPIC area) which have been sent by the person who took them, and about which we have some information to add for captions, like who, what, where, when, etc.

Jamie 20 outrage posted 08-10-2003 03:12 PM ET (US)     Profile for Jamie 20 outrage  Send Email to Jamie 20 outrage     
I have the opposite story, true story, no pic. At St. Croix, we have the whaler dealership and tried to sell this fellow one. Instead he bought a boat similar to the pic. One day he launched it from his trailer and forgot to put in the plug. He then proceeded to take the boat with his buddies diving. When they were done with the dive the boat had sank. I tried to save the engine, but it seized a week later. He is now the proud owner of a 27 whaler.
specktrout posted 08-10-2003 11:14 PM ET (US)     Profile for specktrout  Send Email to specktrout     
When those pictures first came out, they were posted on Well over a hundred posts ensued discussing what might or might not have happend. The boat is a 25 or 26 foot stamas run by a fishing guide out of Galveston Texas called the reel threel. Apparently they went out the first day of snapper season and the boat was running sluggish. They put it in neutral to slow down and to find out what was happening, and when the boat came off plane, the transom went under. Apparently the hull was already full of water. The person taking the pictures was reportedly the owner following in his new procat. I can tell you that at the reelthreel website, there used to be a picture of the boat which matched the one in the above photo's and the bow of the boat in the pictures, matches the bow of the procat at the site so I am inclined to believe this is the real story. Makes you appreciate a whaler. There never was a post explaining the true cause of the problem- everyone seemed to agree a thru-hull must have given way.
As a final note, these pictures also illustrate a point for the used boat buyer. Not a week had gone by when this same boat showed up on for sale. The description stated something like very well maintained and all new electronics. I guess they forgot to mention it had just been swamped!
JoeH posted 08-11-2003 09:22 AM ET (US)     Profile for JoeH  Send Email to JoeH     
My five year old just saw the pictures. "See, this is why we own a Boston Whaler, so OUR boat won't sink and we will be safe" She says, "He doesn't have a life jacket on!" Joe
Bigshot posted 08-11-2003 03:32 PM ET (US)     Profile for Bigshot  Send Email to Bigshot     
I remember that story...they marked it with a bouy and got the boat up the next day I believe. Was in like 40' of water. I think maiden voyage.
TRIDENT posted 08-11-2003 05:56 PM ET (US)     Profile for TRIDENT  Send Email to TRIDENT     
I know the captain in the pics, but that is not his boat. He was helping another captain run a split charter on two boats at the start of snapper season. Both boats, including the Stamas belonged to the other captain. A through-hull fitting failure and bilge pump failure at the same time caused the sinking. There is only small round access hatches in the deck of that boat. So, no way to bail... All the customers and captain got off the boat and there were no injuries. I hear there is legal action being taken by the owner against the captain that ran the day trip...kinda lame if you ask me, the day captain wasn't responsible for maintaining that rig. But when money is at stake...
Deanster posted 08-11-2003 09:56 PM ET (US)     Profile for Deanster  Send Email to Deanster     
Ummm... all I can say is that by the time the water starts flowing freely over at least one side of the boat, I'd have my PFD on.

But perhaps I'm unusual in that regard.

Unsinkability goes a long way in my book - all kinds of things go wrong on the water - plenty to worry about without the darn boat going out from under your feet.

Of course, BW only guarantees that the pieces will float, not how big the pieces will be!

Jamie 20 outrage posted 08-11-2003 10:00 PM ET (US)     Profile for Jamie 20 outrage  Send Email to Jamie 20 outrage     
I am a firm believer of 2 pumps with 2 float switches on 2 seperate batteries. Unless its a whaler. When I bought my boat the plug was kept out and you could see daylight since the plug is in the floor. I couldn't adjust and put the plug in and added a pump.

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