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  Eurasian Milfoil and Its Value

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Author Topic:   Eurasian Milfoil and Its Value
gusgus posted 08-08-2012 04:15 AM ET (US)   Profile for gusgus   Send Email to gusgus  
This past weekend was an amazing weekend for so many reasons. However I learned a few things about water milfoil and how it is encroaching on some lakes.
Then I hear there is a $450.00 dollar fine if any of the plant is left on your boat/trailer after pulling it out of the infested lake!

Now I am not an expert on much and don't claim to be an expert on anything, but this law is going to create the infestation of milfoil rather than keep it quarantined. This law will support it's spreading

You ask why? The first thing my mind thought was if they charge me $450 bucks for it simply being on my trailer, the rest of the lakes need milfoil brought to them. Then every lake will be infested, removing the revenue and BS associated with it. As soon as all lakes are infested the law means nothing.

But to be realistic and see the values associated with this plant and read that it has been a good source of food and fuel, I wonder how long until the legal threat is gone for good?

tjxtreme posted 08-08-2012 09:31 AM ET (US)     Profile for tjxtreme    
Such penalties are introduced as a deterrent to indicate the seriousness of the issue, not as a revenue source. If it were drafted as a source of revenue, then there would be inspection guys at each launch, waiting to fine people. All the lakes being infested sounds terrible, and the cost of dealing with that (direct via restoration/removal or indirect via loss of recreation activity, fishing resources...etc) will be much more costly to the people.
thegage posted 08-08-2012 10:05 AM ET (US)     Profile for thegage  Send Email to thegage     
What a bizarre point of view. The point of fines is incentivization, in this case a negative incentive because of the seriousness of the milfoil problem.

And milfoil as food/fuel? Please let me know where I can find information on such useful uses. Many people seem to be saying it could be a biofuel, but talk is cheap, and one study (the only one I could find) shows milfoil not a very good biofuel:

In the East here it is an extremely damaging and costly invasive species that lake communities spend thousands of dollars per year to control, all to pretty much no effect. I expect if there was such an easy answer people would be jumping all over it.

prj posted 08-08-2012 10:52 AM ET (US)     Profile for prj  Send Email to prj     
That is a remarkably destructive, ignorant and inconsiderate viewpoint, gusgus. Could it have been a poorly executed joke?

We have the invasive Eurasion Water Milfoil in Wisconsin, and Lake Associations (governmental taxing bodies) spend millions annually to harvest it with mechanical mowers, poison it with non-descriminating toxins, introduce biological controls (weevils) and manually pull it. All in an effort to maintain a water body usable by motor boats, sailers and swimmers which supports high water front land values and, more importantly, the high quality social values learned from Wisconsin summers at the lake cottage with family.

It is the responsibility of each citizen in Wisconsin to ensure that they remove organic material and water from their vessel upon departing a lake, specifically so as not to introduce it to a different, perhaps un-infested lake. The DNR has enacted similar rules about drying the boat, emptying live wells, etc... that were discussed regarding the boat plug removal in MN.

If that wasn't a joke, you might consider becoming, not so much an expert, but just a bit less ignorant about the topic prior to posting.

Once again, don't look to politicians or LEO's or regulations for an explanation of where the country finds herself, look to the myriad decisions made by citizens, like yourselves, for where we are and where we're going.

lizard posted 08-08-2012 12:47 PM ET (US)     Profile for lizard  Send Email to lizard     
Eurasian Watermilfoil is known to drastically alter a body of water's ecology, reduces oxygenation in the water (think ESSENTIAL for fish and other aquatic life), it produces large mats that interfere with basic activities such as boating, fishing, water skiing, etc. and is most commonly spread from an affected lake to a non-affected lake by boat trailers. It also clogs water intakes for power generating facilities. WHY would you ever want to SPREAD something so destructive?

I read an article several months back that stated that the state of WA spends over a million dollars, annually, attempting to mitigate it.

If I can take the time to flush my motor, to ensure it's longevity, it would seem that I can put a like effort into cleaning my trailer, to ensure healthy water access.

David Pendleton posted 08-08-2012 12:56 PM ET (US)     Profile for David Pendleton  Send Email to David Pendleton     
We have similar rules and fines.

It really is a losing battle. A millimeter-sized fragment of milfoil is all it takes to propagate a plant.

There is no way to ensure a trailer is 100% free of milfoil, particularly if you have a bunk trailer.

It's hard to say "Oh well, let's just do nothing," but there is no way to stop it. Nature will find a way. You don't have to like it, but you do have to accept it.

lizard posted 08-08-2012 02:54 PM ET (US)     Profile for lizard  Send Email to lizard     
I am no biologist, engineer or entrepreneur, but you would think that one of the aforementioned might create a launch ramp dip tank with something like Sonar, which is used in some smaller body of water applications. I read up on the MSDS data whitecap-herbicide-with-fluridone-msds.pdf and a profile done by Cornell Univ.- fatty-alcohol-monuron/fluridone/herb-prof-fluridone.html

I realize that there are all kinds of safety, water safety, toxicity considerations, but it would seem to be a lot cheaper than diving and manually removing rooted plants. A contained system in which you retrieve you boat at a ramp, take it over to the dip tank, dip, leave and rinse down at home or location of choice.

Biologists- is this naive?

Binkster posted 08-08-2012 03:04 PM ET (US)     Profile for Binkster  Send Email to Binkster     
Seems to me that gusgus and goverment, any goverment, don't get along. His views are that of an extremist, so pay no attention to him.


gusgus posted 08-08-2012 03:11 PM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
Food for thought.
Laws attempting to control human behavior are rarely effective, infact I can't think of one. If they were, prostitution, parking tickets, or spitting on the sidewalk would have been eradicated years ago.
Every need has a solution, but it was never the enforcement of a law that solved the trouble, it was always education and peer pressure that began the corrective action.
Milfoil is a serious situation (agreed), but any enforcement that causes hardship is going to be destructive to the boater as well as caring about infestation. Frankly ticketing people could be the very cause of it's continued encroachment. Listening to young people at boat docks was how my first post came to be. They know the fine will disappear when no lakes are left. They know how easy it is to fight the government, maybe better than anyone. They have less to lose, less to be concerned about and frankly could care less about the plant.
The discussion of how terrible the infestation is and how we can eliminate it is the only way this should have been dealt with. Empowering people with the ability to say, "HEY, you have Milfoil on your boat!", or spend time making signs and posters. Include the information in schools and boat shops. Help people learn how to check, remove or kill the plant on your trailer while at home.

gusgus posted 08-08-2012 03:16 PM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
Hi Binky!
I am so glad you could come in and condemn me.
You make me smile.
Please don't ever stop.
Binkster posted 08-08-2012 04:47 PM ET (US)     Profile for Binkster  Send Email to Binkster     
This subject must have come up at last weeks local Black Hills Militia meeting, or how else would he know about it.
Buckda posted 08-08-2012 06:46 PM ET (US)     Profile for Buckda  Send Email to Buckda     
Re: dipping the trailer in a biocide: Interesting idea.

I really wish that salties entering the great lakes were required to dock before entering the St. Lawrence Seaway and "swish and spit" their ballast tanks.....with chemicals and CITY water, before entering the Great kill all life in those tanks. The city water treatment plant would handle the chemicals in an eco-responsible way, and the second fill of the tanks would have fresh, clean water in them for when they dumped the water into the lakes at the final destination to load.

....but then again, the invasives are also trying to enter that ecosystem via the man-made channels in the Midwest via the Mississippi system as well.

Bottom line, it's never gonna happen. But I'd gladly dip my trailer in a series of baths so long as I could be assured that the chemicals used wouldn't harm my boat/trailer.

wezie posted 08-08-2012 07:47 PM ET (US)     Profile for wezie  Send Email to wezie     
Would salt water make a good dip?

Something about that dipping process imposed on top of the "normal" Ramp antics makes me smile. Would have to be mandatory. Would never get past EPA as to what to use. Would have to be a charge. Most likely would have to arrest a few "Boaters" to get their cooperation. Then the legal system would kick in along with the lawsuits about ruining stuff.

If someone found a use for the stuff and could make money harvesting it, the green freaks would scream about destroying habitat.

Most are interested in helping if it will not hurt their stuff.
Even at the cost of all the lakes, a solution is OK ONLY if it does not cost ME.

I love it.

Good Luck to the Human Beings.

David Pendleton posted 08-08-2012 08:00 PM ET (US)     Profile for David Pendleton  Send Email to David Pendleton     
Minnesota just started enforcing new rules to stop the spread of invasives (which is impossible, but I said that earlier).

In my case, I'm actually worried about the enforcement and the fines. My boat doesn't take on water when it's in the water. It does take on water when it rains, however. This has been a constant source of aggravation since I bought the thing 13 years ago. I've have never been able to figure out where the water is coming from. To make matters worse, my drain plug and bilge pump pickup are not in the lowest part of the bilge.

I can pull the plug (even on the incline of my ramp) and the bilge will not completely drain. I cannot use the pump to completely empty the bilge either.

So, depending on how much rain we've gotten, my bilge always has an inch or so of water in it.

That's a ticket here now.

I'm prepared to argue my case when, and if, I get stopped (I haven't yet), but I'm not looking forward to it.

lizard posted 08-08-2012 08:53 PM ET (US)     Profile for lizard  Send Email to lizard     
David- what about some really simple, 12v, wet-vac set up? Could you get at it that way? I am never thrilled about water sitting anywhere for any period of time. If you can't get the water out, a very dilute solution with household bleach should not harm the gel coat and would prevent most growth, invasive or otherwise. I don't think it would be problematic for the pump, as you would be pushing a volume of water through when you used it.
contender posted 08-08-2012 10:07 PM ET (US)     Profile for contender  Send Email to contender     
David: carry some bleach in a bottle, pour some in the bilge, will kill any plant, also tell the office to taste it if you get stopped.

Weize: problem with the salt water the trailer would have to sit in the pool/bath for a while for the plants to absorb the salt, take to long. And anyone that does not have a aluminum or galvanize trailer will rust out in 2 years...

lizard posted 08-08-2012 10:56 PM ET (US)     Profile for lizard  Send Email to lizard     
Well, if the current plan and processes don't work adequately, invent a new one. If we look back on what made America great, it was innovation.

Remember, environmentalists have the same goal here, protect the native and healthy nature of a body of water. If you design a well=thought out solution, people buy in.

If I were any of the 3 professions in my prior post, I would make a run for the solution. Governments are already spending a lot to control it,

Innovation is the solution and someone should run with it. There ought to be a way to design a separated and sealed dipping tank, with a product that is not harmful to boat, finish, motor, rubber, trailers AND a way to place it near enough to the launch, without contaminating surrounding waters with a potential environmental toxin. My brief review of the Cornell paper suggests that from a marine environment perspective, it may be possible.

Sure, it would bog the ramps down initially. So does sitting there arguing with the LEO that just issued you a ticket. Plus, you open yourself to being fodder for the launch ramp stories.

Innovation produces jobs, provides solutions, makes lives better (sometimes) and in this case, could solve an invasive problem. Moaning about it, not so much.

Finally, I know I have explained this to gusgus, perhaps someone can help him understand statistics- law enforcement has made positive changes to human behavior- the rates of DUI related deaths and disabilities is down. This is one example of law enforcement changing behavior. If it didn't, why are so many people arrested for trying to avoid the police checkpoints for alcohol? People think more before drinking and driving. I know I do.


gusgus posted 08-09-2012 03:06 AM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
What would be wrong with a spray? Say a herbicide sprayed on the trailer and boat before leaving said boat ramp area. It could be done in a collection point or area where run off is collectable.

Using Monsanto's Round Up would let the active ingredient loose on the local waters, yet it is largely if not completely inactivated by time.
(WIKI) glyphosate comes into contact with the soil, it can be rapidly bound to soil particles and be inactivated. Unbound glyphosate can be degraded by bacteria. In soils, half lives vary from as little as 3 days at a site in Texas, to as much as 141 days at a site in Iowa. In addition, the glyphosate metabolite aminomethylphosphonic acid was shown to persist up to 2 years in Swedish forest soils.
So it seems the activity dies when dried.

There should be some way to circumvent the government system of fines and harassment.

Lil Whaler Lover posted 08-09-2012 08:34 AM ET (US)     Profile for Lil Whaler Lover  Send Email to Lil Whaler Lover     

There is a sure way to "circumvent the government system of fines and harrassment" as you so succinctly put it. OBEY THE DAMN LAW!
If you are not able to obey the law on this, please get out of boating. The purpose of this website is not to circumvent laws that protect our water quality.

Dave Sutton posted 08-09-2012 10:15 AM ET (US)     Profile for Dave Sutton  Send Email to Dave Sutton     
^^^^^ Yup.

It takes a few seconds to pull the plug. We all do it anyway if we're smart. Run the bilge pump for a sec, as you walk around the trailer to put on straps have a peek to see that there's no hanging green strings, and go about your business.

There's been no harassment by anyone that I've ever seen, and I trailer and launch in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois, in Lakes Superior, Huron, and Michigan. Either myself or my SO launch over 100 times a year there, and trailer over 5000 miles, launching at over 30 different ramps per season. Never had anything other than a smile and wave from any DNR, Police, Harbormaster, CG, or anyone.



burning_hXc_soul posted 08-09-2012 11:35 AM ET (US)     Profile for burning_hXc_soul    
What about sterile Grass Carp? They use those down south for vegetation control.
David Pendleton posted 08-09-2012 11:43 AM ET (US)     Profile for David Pendleton  Send Email to David Pendleton     
The problem with the Grass Carp is they like the native vegetation better than the milfoil, so they won't eat the milfoil until they've eaten everything else.
gusgus posted 08-09-2012 11:56 AM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
lil whaler;
If the law is ignorant or increases the risk of abuse, it may be easy for most of us to follow them, but increases the rouge attitude. Locally this sounds like the reality. If you can't discuss the issue, but instead attack me then maybe you should take a bit more medication.
I do follow the "damn law" as you so perfectly suggested in a boorish red neck fashion.
Lil Whaler Lover posted 08-09-2012 01:49 PM ET (US)     Profile for Lil Whaler Lover  Send Email to Lil Whaler Lover     

Please reread my post. In no way did I attack you personally. I simply recommended a solution to your problem, and then a backup recommendation if the first recommendation did not work. I strongly believe in giving a person a choice whenever possible. I helps them to make an "informed" decision.

gusgus posted 08-09-2012 02:42 PM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
lil whaler;
I see no reason to advise anyone here since neither of us are experts in this field. How about we discuss the issue at hand and leave the personal attacks for third grade playgrounds?
lizard posted 08-09-2012 11:15 PM ET (US)     Profile for lizard  Send Email to lizard     
gusgus- I am not sure if you are trying to quote/sound like Wendell Berry, but you are failing. Hear are some of your pearls of lord-knows-what:

"Then every lake will be infested, removing the revenue and BS associated with it. As soon as all lakes are infested the law means nothing." OK this was already torn apart by nearly every responder.

This is just grammatically strange: "Every need has a solution, but it was never the enforcement of a law that solved the trouble, it was always education and peer pressure that began the corrective action. "

Then there was this gem: "Listening to young people at boat docks was how my first post came to be. They know the fine will disappear when no lakes are left. They know how easy it is to fight the government, maybe better than anyone. They have less to lose, less to be concerned about and frankly could care less about the plant."

Actually, young people of today tend to be MORE concerned and better informed AND they have MORE to lose, than many of our generation (case in point). They are, without a doubt, more concerned about the health of the earth than some people in this forum.

"What would be wrong with a spray?" referring to Round Up. It is one of the LAST products that would be used near a water supply. Think about germination and distribution. Or, think about the bees.

Finally, this needs no introduction or commentary: "If the law is ignorant or increases the risk of abuse, it may be easy for most of us to follow them, but increases the rouge attitude. Locally this sounds like the reality. If you can't discuss the issue, but instead attack me then maybe you should take a bit more medication. I do follow the "damn law" as you so perfectly suggested in a boorish red neck fashion."

My lord.

gusgus posted 08-10-2012 03:12 AM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
Do you feel better now lizzy?

Quoting me is real nice of you. Although maybe you could step off of your pedestal and see the world doesn't give a shit about your childish grammer bitch act.

I am exactly who I am and I sure don't need to cater to the likes of you.

I stand by every statement I have made and if they are proven wrong (which you have yet to do) I will apologize for or retract them.

Your lord.

PeteB88 posted 08-10-2012 06:30 AM ET (US)     Profile for PeteB88  Send Email to PeteB88     
What is amazing to me is the huge gobs of weeds that hang off trailers at the boat ramps I have used most often around here - Spring Lake and Muskegon Lake (DNR ramp). Weeds, including Milfoil, are growing at astounding rate this year, probably correlates with hot, dry, low rainfall summer - mostly bright sunny days. Boat trailers in parking areas have what appears to be bushels of green aquatic vegetation hanging off axels, lights, springs, rails, brake lines, wires and more. And hanging to the ground. Parking spots had piles of weeds that obviously fall off the trailers. I will shoot some photos next time out. I have neer seen anything like it and if laws were on the books here and enforced to clean off trailers and boats and with some herbicide or chemical washdown the lines would be backed up for a very long time.

This said, it is probably too late to prevent cross contamination of lakes and rivers around here - I just do not see how it can be done. If you are super conscientious and pick every weed, strand, spor whatever off your boat, most others will not. You see them driving down the highways with green goop hanging off their rigs like moss on live oaks in the South. Those piles of weeds, decaying and gross looking at boat ramp parking lanes is just unbelievable. I've been putting some of the aquatic weeds in my compost tumbler.

Not sure if anything is effective. But it sounds like Minnesota ain't playin.

Binkster posted 08-10-2012 07:01 AM ET (US)     Profile for Binkster  Send Email to Binkster     
Lizzy, LOL, read between his lines. He probably half read an article somewhere about milfoil, decided to put his own anti goverment spin on it and post it here and probably other boating websites he frequents. Haven't seen it over at WC though, Joe usually deletes nonsense. He probably also posts it on the extremist anti goverment sites and gets a more favorable reaction. I'll bet he also has an arsenal of weapons at his house, a years supply of food, directions for bomb building, and posters of the UnaBomber in his living room, and is a member of some local militia.


gnr posted 08-10-2012 10:04 AM ET (US)     Profile for gnr    
Oh look.

Another ranting, soapbox thread that lizzy has taken over using her passive aggressive BS to belittle people who aren't in lockstep with her.

Imagine that.


gusgus posted 08-10-2012 11:32 AM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
It is all good satire Binky, as usual.

I am honored you think of me as such an awesome American. Thank you.

gnr, you are of course correct. She (if it is a she) and Binky (if it is even American) have used every opportunity to attack anyone they want to destroy. Forum thread destruction is their game.

Neither can discuss the subject at hand. Because they believe we are below them.

Back to my thread, Binky and Lizzy.
This thread is about MILFOIL, so lets get back to the subject at hand.

gusgus posted 08-10-2012 11:39 AM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
Pete, It is to late just about everywhere. But the governmental income machine is in full speed ahead mode here (WA).
The reality is another method is needed to control milfoil. Writing tickets and charging boaters won't stop it's growth. However once it is in, it may be an impossible task to even boat.
martyn1075 posted 08-10-2012 11:47 AM ET (US)     Profile for martyn1075  Send Email to martyn1075     
If it were drafted as a source of revenue, then there would be inspection guys at each launch

Actually that might work to be more of a deterrent the big problem is the enormous cost it would bring to make it work. It more or less reminds me of our DFO (Fisheries and Oceans Canada) They are there to regulate and protect the fishery but you never really see them out there. To be fair they are more frequent in the regions that bring in more visitors and which normally show more fish being caught. I would say in a whole summer I might see them twice even in prime time. They will hang around the docks and marinas every once and a while. I support their purpose but to make it work they are putting an awful amount of trust in the angler much like people who are wanting to use their boat in a lake and risk the contamination of milfoil.

I guess if we all obey the rules no problem nothing to hide no fines or issues related but there are always a few that ruin the party.

Some are honest and some aren't. I see a fair amount of dishonestly sadly. Most of these would be nabbed and fined with regular visits but they are not there most of the time to do it and I see the government side that the program cost to make it work would just be outrageous.


thegage posted 08-10-2012 12:07 PM ET (US)     Profile for thegage  Send Email to thegage     
This thread is about MILFOIL, so lets get back to the subject at hand.

Thanks for clarifying. From your first post it seemed your desired subject was another anti-government rant.

It is to late just about everywhere. But the governmental income machine is in full speed ahead mode here (WA). The reality is another method is needed to control milfoil. Writing tickets and charging boaters won't stop it's growth.

Do you really think the government is going to get serious income from fining the odd boater $450? As noted, there aren't evil government minions checking boaters at every loading ramp, so how many tickets are they going to write? I'd be interested in seeing numbers if they are tracked. I guess if you're weilding an anti-government hammer then any government activity is a nail....

You are correct that fines and tickets won't stop milfoil's spread, but I see such action as an attempt to raise public awareness so that it may at least slow milfoil's propogation into new waters while giving time to discover useful and successful methods of control/eradication.

John K.

lizard posted 08-10-2012 12:20 PM ET (US)     Profile for lizard  Send Email to lizard     
Hmm, gusgus, if I use my fingers and count, I see that 4 of my 5 posts in this thread are about milfoil, and three fingers count posts in which you are never mentioned, nor are your cronies. Just to get the story straight.

If I use fingers on both hands, I count 6 of your 8 posts here as: anti-government OR personal attacks or both.

Going back to counting on one hand, I see 5 other parties who find your assertions bizarre.

Numbers tell a story.

gnr posted 08-10-2012 01:44 PM ET (US)     Profile for gnr    
I try. I really do. LOL

gusgus- I am not sure if you are trying to quote/sound like Wendell Berry, but you are failing. Hear are some of your pearls of lord-knows-what:

Passive aggressive method of calling someone a moron. Adds nothing to the discussion. Incorrect use of the word hear only mentioned because of your next comment.

This is just grammatically strange

I have no trouble understanding the point being made.

Then there was this gem: Actually, young people of today tend to be MORE concerned and better informed AND they have MORE to lose, than many of our generation (case in point). They are, without a doubt, more concerned about the health of the earth than some people in this forum.

Oh really? going to link to some stats to back that up? I'm sure some kids are and some are not. My personal experience with all the younguns around me is that they are no different than the kids of previous generations. Without a doubt lizzy? Pretty strong statement there. Without a doubt young people across the board are more concerned than any previous generation? Another generalized statement spouted as fact that cannot be backed up and flies in the face of reality.

What would be wrong with a spray?" referring to Round Up. It is one of the LAST products that would be used near a water supply. Think about germination and distribution. Or, think about the bees.

And here I didn't piss all over your stupid dip tank idea when I read it a few days ago. You asked for ideas. Even gave up a ridiculous one yourself. This is no more unrealistic than yours and could even be a better option using your fantasy situation of a "self contained" spray area.

Finally, this needs no introduction or commentary: My lord.

See first comment above.


Around here there have been signs warning about invasives and advising on how to minimize the risk of transport by every public water access I know of. Sometimes there are folks at the launches who are there to educate the public about invasives. There is a fine for transporting invasive species, I think it is $150.00. I have never heard of it being enforced.

In the news right now around here is the spiny water flea. It is in the Champlain Canal which links to Lake Champlain. There has been federal money avaialable for YEARS to study this impending infestation and come up with a plan. Nothing has been done and the flea is at the door. Many factions want to shut the locks down to keep the flea out. These locks serve an esitmated 1500 boats per year, most jsut to get their boats to and from Champlain seasonally. The NY state government says it ain't going to happen.

There is your government for you.


Be bow fishing for asian carp in my lifetime no doubt.


gusgus posted 08-10-2012 02:54 PM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
I am neither anti-government of a survivalist. I am a constitutionalist and find using that benchmark for a line in the sand, that most of the costs associated with government (taxes, licenses, permits, fees, fines or whatever they invent) are ripe with hidden charges and taxes. I am shocked when support for higher charges in most realms, actually do more damage to the action the tax is supposed to assist in. But there are people who believe government is here to help us.
This milfoil infestation as well it seems the flea trouble will be run like all government programs are and hurt the honest law abiding boaters, while ushering in the infestation. Government is not the answer, period.
Binkster posted 08-10-2012 03:26 PM ET (US)     Profile for Binkster  Send Email to Binkster     
(I am honored you think of me as such an awesome American. Thank you.)

Actually I don't believe you are actually an American. By your rant you are a revolutionist. It won't work, this is a great country, get with the program and become part of it. (OR LEAVE)


martyn1075 posted 08-10-2012 03:48 PM ET (US)     Profile for martyn1075  Send Email to martyn1075     
If we all are honest law abiding boaters there will be no fines to worry about, but the few that try to pull fast ones is where the government is trying to help out in a way to deter people from letting it go and saying "oh well no biggie were all doing it anyways.."

Its more of a warning really. Like I said it get rid of it the government would have to put together one massive crew in almost every recreational lake that we use? Thats impossible and they realize that a tax would likely be added to fund it for all of us and that will not fly by too easily either.


Chriscz posted 08-10-2012 09:10 PM ET (US)     Profile for Chriscz  Send Email to Chriscz     
Gusgus I think milfoil programs are not a good example of the the point I think you are trying make, that government progra. For milfoil most of the programs implemented and the regulations created are the result of request by lake user (boating, skiing,pwc, etc) and property owners, marinas, yacht clubs. The fact that milfoil has severe biological consequences also draws in supporters......and thus regulations are made to respond to those interests.
I know there are plenty examples where government programs are counterproductive at best. I also agree that many of the current solutions being tried by governmental agencies on milfoil and other invasive species are not silver bullets and often ineffective. But these programs are not an attempt at revenue generation, at least here in Washington state. I would suggest private interests are spending more than the state government trying to remove milfoil. These interests are asking for assistance from the state. So the state does something and is attacked for over regulation, the state does nothing and is attacked for not listening to the demands of its citizens. By the way, like I'm sure you saw during your time on the water at seafair, the lake Washington waterfront property owners and yacht clubs include some influential folks, if judged by their properties and linear footage of water craft.
With respect to cleaning vegetation and other living organisms off of your trailer and the associated regulations, it is only party directed at stopping the spread of milfoil (which as many folks have indicated is possibly a lost cause) but also about education and good habits so we don't spread the next one. Think of miloil as the lesson learned.
Here's a link on Washington efforts
Also if anyone is volunteering their time to figure out the solution, I'm sure the folks at the relevant state agencies would love the ideas and help.
Lil Whaler Lover posted 08-10-2012 09:12 PM ET (US)     Profile for Lil Whaler Lover  Send Email to Lil Whaler Lover     
As this thread now has political overtones, I would like to share a bumper sticker I saw last weekend.


Have a great weekend everybody.

Lil Whaler Lover posted 08-10-2012 09:24 PM ET (US)     Profile for Lil Whaler Lover  Send Email to Lil Whaler Lover     
One more interesting observation. I just looked at the date each participant in this thread joined CW. I Have been on the longest (2000) and gusgus was the last to join late in 2011. Every other participant joined between those dates. A new participant should take some time to understand the way CW functions at its best. Let us all strive to maintain high standards on CW.
gnr posted 08-10-2012 10:00 PM ET (US)     Profile for gnr    
I'm sure the irony in the last two posts it's not lost on anyone regardless of the length of time they have been a member.


gusgus posted 08-10-2012 11:24 PM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
I hear you and do agree on most points.

I disagree with the one point where they aren't out to generate revenue, it is not true, or they might simply award it {100%} to eradication efforts. But they instead place every penny of income in the general fund to spend on BS studies and BS actions.

It is true the high dollar homes on the waterfront, do create pressure for someone to do something. I also saw the milfoil cutter on the lake. 283206_10150263881234311_844046_n.jpg

I understand how it works and just don't trust a government that would hide cops behind bushes or charge for forest access and then charge to park there. Charge, charge, charge then write and pass a law where they can charge an outrageous amount for a spec of a weed? Whether they actually do or not is really irrelevant to me. It seems insane that we allow such abuse of power.

Oh lilwhaler, please ask jim to give you an old gal award, it should inflate your self importance even more, fun fun.

Binky, you caught me, I am just like your messiah, a Kenyan.

lizard posted 08-11-2012 12:39 AM ET (US)     Profile for lizard  Send Email to lizard     
I mistook gusgus for a hillbilly (based on his posts). In fact, I should admit I was wrong, he is one of the most paranoid, anti-government, people that I have ever seen post, ANYWHERE. I am sure that there are sites out there, with people who agree with gusgus, I just don't frequent those sorts of sites. In fact, I can't imagine being a participant in such nutty dialogue.

Moreover, I can't think of anything he could change, to possibly create more cumbersome, meaningless, diatribe. Where darn words do they get from, gusgus?

lizard posted 08-11-2012 12:49 AM ET (US)     Profile for lizard  Send Email to lizard     
Wait, I should have waited and read every pathetically, ignorant post gusgus posted. Now our Messiah (I call him our President) is a Kenyan? Funny, Kenya did not exist in 1961, when Obama was born, Kenya became a country a full 2 years later. Did someone, in anticipation of this event FORGE a birth certificate for a man who MIGHT be President and include the words Kenya? WOW.

In all of my years on this site, both as a lurker and a member, I have NEVER encountered someone of less intelligence. I hope that you are not breeding, gusgus.

David Pendleton posted 08-11-2012 01:07 AM ET (US)     Profile for David Pendleton  Send Email to David Pendleton     
This discussion has apparently run it's course and if Jim weren't currently cruising the North Channel, I'm sure he would have shut it down by now.
Chriscz posted 08-11-2012 01:19 AM ET (US)     Profile for Chriscz  Send Email to Chriscz     
Gusgus, sure there are abuses within state revenue generation and certainly in these tight fiscal time for state budgets, such as Washington's, every revenue source is explored. And some poorly chosen and implimented. Your example of parking and area use fees are entirely another issue/topic. With respect to milfoil I have (as other folks have mentioned as well) rarely seen any sort of 'gotcha' type enforcement.
On the other hand, I can see how other land use fees are frustrating in this state between state Dnr lands, WDFW boat launches, discover pass, sno-park passes, us forest service passes, national parks passes, national monument passes all being required to access different areas within Washington (or at least park). I just stick em all on my dash and hope for the best:)
Some of the BS studies and BS actions will eventually lead to a solution, unless you have a better way, again looking for volunteers to figure it out, The private folks spend the bulk of their money on removal (short term fix for several years before recolonization). The state and academic institutions do some removal and a variety of studies to actually try to solve the issue, again maybe not for milfoil, but for the next invasive that is problematic.
gusgus posted 08-11-2012 03:39 AM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
Kenya was not called Kenya by the BRITISH until 1964. It was still considered Kenya by those who lived there and NatGeo published a map in 1960 before Obama was born clearly showing that -
America recognized the existence and name of Kenya before 1961.
Good try and YES I have already reproduced and they hate Obama too!
You figured out how yet?
Matter of fact Lizzy, you are an ignorant person, and an awful person to boot. A name caller with little more than enough sense to breath without instruction.
gusgus posted 08-11-2012 03:42 AM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
Chris, you are right on all points.
I love this place but have a strong and growing distaste of government.

Binkster posted 08-11-2012 06:58 AM ET (US)     Profile for Binkster  Send Email to Binkster     
Very funny bumper sticker.
tjxtreme posted 08-11-2012 12:27 PM ET (US)     Profile for tjxtreme    
Ha! A birther! This is classic...
pcrussell50 posted 08-11-2012 12:45 PM ET (US)     Profile for pcrussell50  Send Email to pcrussell50     
Seems there are two ways to spend money on this problem. A systemic solution, which we should all want would be one. But for those already infested, you've still got to treat the "symptom", if you haven't found a cure for the "disease" yet. Coastal resort communities spend untold amounts of money rebuilding beaches against constant erosion. Maritime commerce communities spend untold amounts dredging against constant fill-in forces. Sounds like cutting milfoil might have to be added to the list for the afflicted?

Curious: I tried googling about milfoil on Lake Mead and found very little. I'm guessing we're not afflicted with milfoil, though you guys from back east did bring your Zebra and Quagga mussels out here. Then again, there are no natural lakes in the desert, and most of the shoreline vegetation, what little there is, is invasive/non-native. I LOL'ed when during the public commentary period, the folks who were pushing for a ban on two-strokes in Lake Mead brought up the idea that they harm the shoreline plants. The authorities responded that they were not overly concerned with that, since almost all the shore plants on Lake Mead are non-native/alien.


gusgus posted 08-11-2012 04:23 PM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
The milfoil debate has been interesting and educational.

The moves to eradicate milfoil from our waters will be interesting to watch since it is so far out of control it will mimic a keystone cops still movie.

Our taxes, being the only possible funding source, and knowing how badly the general fund is already stretched so thinly, it takes very little understanding to see that this infestation will not be corrected in our lifetimes.

Lake Mead might have a mineral makeup that resists the infestation. That would be great to find a natural way of dealing with this.

But until this happens, an unhealthy dose of Round-Up is my $450 dollar avoidance solution.

Go right ahead and call me names (We know who will do that) since I will be proactive in my responsibility for milfoil containment.

Chriscz posted 08-11-2012 07:30 PM ET (US)     Profile for Chriscz  Send Email to Chriscz     
Wait wait, at least use the 2,4-D, diquat, diquat and complexed copper, endothall dipotassium salt, and endothall and complexed copper.
Dave Sutton posted 08-11-2012 07:33 PM ET (US)     Profile for Dave Sutton  Send Email to Dave Sutton     
"This discussion has apparently run it's course and if Jim weren't currently cruising the North Channel, I'm sure he would have shut it down by now"

Agreed.... come on guys. This is silly. Lizzie for once has the high ground here. Let's civilize ourselves.



gusgus posted 08-11-2012 08:06 PM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
dave, whatever.............

chris; please explain.

Chriscz posted 08-11-2012 09:07 PM ET (US)     Profile for Chriscz  Send Email to Chriscz     
Under the link I posted above, there are several herbicides that work and are approved by the state..........scratch the last part about anything to do with state ......they work. Round up might mess with the other things we all enjoy. Also I just liked the long name.
gusgus posted 08-12-2012 02:48 AM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
I had read the link page before and saw those references, but they are for use as a herbicide dumped in the water. I would bet most envirokooks would stop any attempt to use that method.

I want to use something on my freshly pulled boat and trailer. It has to be effective and be able to neutralize with time. Round-up seems to fit that bill. It isn't perfect, but it would work. NO?

jimh posted 08-12-2012 10:02 AM ET (US)     Profile for jimh  Send Email to jimh     
My role in this discussion will be limited. So far, all I have done is correct the spelling of several words in the TOPIC line.

I will also quote from the EPA website on this topic:

Invasive Plants

The Great Lakes have also been troubled by fast-growing invasive plants such as common reed (Phragmites australis), reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), curly pondweed (Potamogeton crispus), Eurasian milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae), and two types of non-native cattails (Typha angustifolia and Typha glauca).

Eurasian Milfoil is commonly seen in the Great Lakes. We were just at anchor in Baie Fine at The Pool and saw the effects of it.

Phragmites is a big problem in the St. Clair River delta. Phragmites was introduced there intentionally by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as I recall, in an attempt to control shoreline erosion during the decades of extremely high water level in Lake Huron, c.1986. It has now supplanted the more desirable cat tails that used to flourish in the wetlands of the delta.

Purple loosestrife can be seen bordering just about any road in the Midwest.

lizard posted 08-12-2012 10:25 AM ET (US)     Profile for lizard  Send Email to lizard     
JimH- shouldn't that be "It's" in the TOPIC line? :)
jimh posted 08-12-2012 12:49 PM ET (US)     Profile for jimh  Send Email to jimh     
No. But don't worry. There are a lot of very well educated participants here that misspell "its" all the time. Possessive pronouns do not have apostrophes, e.g., his, hers, theirs, its, ours.
Buckda posted 08-12-2012 01:22 PM ET (US)     Profile for Buckda  Send Email to Buckda     
Here's my CONTINUOUSWAVE.COM desktop resource:

...not that I use it that often...but it is there should JimH chasten my grammar, punctuation, etc.


gusgus posted 08-12-2012 03:18 PM ET (US)     Profile for gusgus  Send Email to gusgus     
Caring about grammar with forum folks is like putting on a suit and tie for pudding wrestling. You may feel and look great at first, but loose credibility after the match begins.

lizard posted 08-12-2012 03:25 PM ET (US)     Profile for lizard  Send Email to lizard     
I think you meant "lose" gusgus.
jimh posted 08-12-2012 05:17 PM ET (US)     Profile for jimh  Send Email to jimh     
I am closing this thread. My motivation is to protect some of the participants from further embarrassing themselves.

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