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  OMC trim creeps down overnight-No visible leaks

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Author Topic:   OMC trim creeps down overnight-No visible leaks
Blackduck posted 05-06-2006 10:25 AM ET (US)   Profile for Blackduck   Send Email to Blackduck  
I have a 1988 Evinrude 90 that isn't maintaining the trim possition overnight. There are no visible fluid leaks. Any ideas?
deepwater posted 05-06-2006 11:03 AM ET (US)     Profile for deepwater  Send Email to deepwater     
If its not leaking outside than it must be leaking back into the tank. Have you checked the level and color ?
Blackduck posted 05-06-2006 11:19 AM ET (US)     Profile for Blackduck  Send Email to Blackduck     
Red purple and full!
jimh posted 05-06-2006 12:16 PM ET (US)     Profile for jimh  Send Email to jimh     
The hydraulic actuator may have a bad seal or there is a bad check valve in the system. Or perhaps some air in the system. Try running it up and down through the range a few times, then check the level again.

The maintenance manual probably has details for you. The OMC manual for my 1990 engine has an extensive description of how the hydraulic system operates.

jimh posted 05-06-2006 12:17 PM ET (US)     Profile for jimh  Send Email to jimh     
Red fluid? That sounds like transmission fluid. Most of the hydraulic fluid I've seen is clear. That might be worth a check with a good OMC mechanic. Maybe one will drop by.
cbgann posted 05-07-2006 09:17 AM ET (US)     Profile for cbgann  Send Email to cbgann     
Before you tear the actuator apart: Consider draining the actuator and refill with HD power steering stop leak and conditioner. Have used on several systems with good results. I'm with jimh, clear power steering fluid is more typical. Good luck, Bill
Blackduck posted 05-13-2006 10:22 AM ET (US)     Profile for Blackduck  Send Email to Blackduck     
There was air in the system that escaped on opening the fill for a second time.
You could hear it leaving!
jimh posted 05-14-2006 11:34 AM ET (US)     Profile for jimh  Send Email to jimh     
Bill--Thanks for the tip on power steering fluid stop leak. That sounds like something to try before tearing into a rebuild.
lorin posted 05-14-2006 11:44 AM ET (US)     Profile for lorin  Send Email to lorin     
Another possibility for it not maintaining tilt position is a loose or faulty manual release valve. Make sure the valve is turned all the way in-but dont overtighten. If I recall correctly, a bad oring on the valve may allow fluid to pass internally resulting in creep down. Inspecting it would require removing the valve completely by unscrewing it, and then inspecting the oring.One other thing, we used to use a lot of the OMC Power Tilt Trim Steering Fluid (I think that's what it was called). I believe it came out of the tube clear or slightly yellow/brown in color, but after being in the tilt trim unit a while it would always turn red.
The Judge posted 05-15-2006 02:19 PM ET (US)     Profile for The Judge  Send Email to The Judge     
Red is right on OMC's they use ATF fluid.

There is a one-way check valve that is bad. Only way to repair is rebuild. This is why God invented the trailer lock. If she holds while running, just use the lock thingy at night until it gets worse.

twood1979 posted 05-24-2006 10:10 AM ET (US)     Profile for twood1979  Send Email to twood1979     
Just for my knowledge, what would enable it to keep position while running but not while turned off?


swist posted 05-24-2006 11:12 AM ET (US)     Profile for swist  Send Email to swist     
It probably does creep while underway but you'd have to run for days without touching the trim before it would move enough to notice.

I had a 1993 Yamaha 225 that had the creep problem almost from day one. It was very slight and no one ever found the cause. I only noticed myself because on that boat the full up position put the engine just barely out of the water. If I left it up for a day or so without the trailer lock I might find the skeg an inch under water.

It wasn't worth fixing, at least not in my case.

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